Collaboration and partnership are key catalysts of scientific progress and engineering innovation. They can also be great for your career.
You could get the chance to be part of collaborations with universities, industry, and other partner in the UK and overseas. You may have the chance to visit or spend time working, or training, with other organisations – potentially on a secondment. You may travel to attend or present at conferences.
“It’s a fabulous environment to thrive and develop and make a great contribution to our society”
Steve, Electrical Engineering Group Leader
Campus collaboration
Our National Science and Innovation Campuses (SciTech Daresbury and Harwell, Oxford) are built around our National Laboratories and promote academic and industrial collaboration. What’s more, through interaction with industry, they translate our research direct to market.
We’ve established a highly productive relationship with the academic community. This is reflected in the support we provide for research experiments and in the hundreds of research grants we fund at dozens of UK universities. We also work with organisations such as the Institute of Physics (IOP) and the Royal Astronomical Society (RAS).
Partner organisations
We highly value our UK and international partner organisations, which include CERN, the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL), the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), the European Space Agency (ESA), and our colleagues in Research UK. Some of our staff spend time working in several of our partner organisations. We also represent the UK in major international initiatives and provide expert input to flagship experiments worldwide.
International collaboration
We represent the UK in a variety of international collaborations to provide access to facilities, to plan future facilities strategy, to regulate international collaboration, or to foster international collaboration in strategic areas of research.